El Choncho • May 13th, 2019
MEXICO – YFS Rules are a developing thing for all Chapters but for new ones it can be a tumultuous thing as the first sips of Glory are on the line. YFS Rosarito’s El Toro bet 48 Indio Tallboys that a ball hit in the pool that makes it to the outfield perimeter is an out. The opposing team, Punta Manana and Co. argued that it was a double. Well both are wrong. It’s unclear who will have to cough up the 48 Indio tallboys but what’s more important is that YFS Rosarito got its season off to a wild start. The Minister received a 5 minute enthusiastic El Toro WhatsApp voice message to report the game scores and HR totals. “El Jefe, We have our first game….it was amazing….They just kick our ass like so good..but it was good because i just drink so much” remarked the well-oiled Commissioner from his expansive pacific ocean view compound. What is also unclear to HQ is if they intend to play through the summer in Mexico. Nothing would surprise HQ as this Chapter has nuts of steel.
Blacks: Omar, Miguel, Bomba
Reds: El Borracho, Rookie Jime, El Toro
B: 14
R: 4
HRs: P. Manana: 4, El Toro: 3, R. Omar: 2