HOBOKEN – YFS Rose City is here. And they’re packing vaginas.
Spirited talks between the league and the YFS Portland prospect Chapter Commissioner, The Wanderer, had gone on for months, which at one point included a stretch where they were released of their YFS duties for violating the then well-outlined 48 page “Dongs Only” league-wide policy. The NW Prospect Chapter had chose to go rogue and brought in ladies to play while back pocketing those details at a YFS Expansion Summit in Brooklyn with HQ leaders back in June of 2018.
After much deliberation, YFS HQ admits they we’re gripping it all a little too tight. “The truth of it is, we’re all in this together and our fight is really about continuing to push the dipshit character athlete that brings the dumb, fun, light and glory into an all-too-serious world. The league admits it was caught up in tap-checking for panty hamsters on game day when the actual YFS nemesis remains with the likes of Uncle T. Johnny-Talks-Super-Serious and Linda Let-me-ruin-this-hour-of-your-life-because-I-hate-what-I-do Johnson.
The YFS Rose Chapter will not disrupt the other 4 who remain registered men’s Chapters in the Brooklyn Mothership, NOLA's DSS Bois, LA Tinseltown Fun Boys and Jet City Plow Boys, but will look to Portland to let them take the reins on the FLEX SEX bill act as HQ encourages them to see what they can accomplish with the new look.
Official today, the Rose City Chapter will be given all league privileges including rollback HR payout, league sanctioned 2018 World Championship Title, City-to-City YFS travel games with Sleaz-E-Pass® and an envelope stuffed full of coveted tickets to the YFS Galactics Tournament in Baja Mexico coming up in the spring of 2019 (3/28-4/1).
“We’re ecstatic to have them on board as an official YFS Chapter...they did it their way...it took us time to see it but we thank them for reminding us of what this dipshit renaissance push is really all about. Today the world is better because of YFS Rose City. And this is a big step in the direction to get others dipshits aboard this super dummy glory yacht” said a gacked up Minister who was snorting ropes of Peruvian blue with 8-Ball and two Tinder dates as the four hung naked 11X17 “Ya Jeans” glossies in the 68 Jay Bar women’s lounge.
The YFS “A DECADE OF FUCKOFFERY” Art Show Opening is This Friday at 68 Jay Bar in Dumbo. First Suds Of Excitements begin tap-pouring at 6:05pm.