The Minister • October 12th, 2019
LOS ANGELES – Over the last couple weeks the YFSLA TinsleTown Fun Boy’s have been marinating their glory meats for Season 2 with another tilt-tickler this weekend called THE SEASONER. TTFB’s might as well stand for Tinsletown Fun Babies as LA County officials are predicting a population spike in 2020 from all the estimated consensually dropped mom pants with Raw Dog, Salary, JEFF, EZ-Up, The Deal, KG, Motorboat, BD MD, Shotz, Batte Midler, Hot CUTZ and friends getting back to the game. It should be noted that the 4th official YFS Chapter also cut ribbon on a second glory hole called “THE DIRT” which is hard evidence of a Chapter’s maturation. Look out dummies, here comes YFSLA.