The Deal  •  November 2nd, 2019

THE DIRT – On a hot, dusty morning a 12-pack of crusty sluggers trudged their way out to the godforsaken strip of death they call home, sometimes.

It was particularly grim when it became apparent that all 12 imbeciles had nary a sud between them at the Dirt Bath.  Well, Dark Web had brought 3 suds, but he finished the third as he put his car in park and stepped out onto the field, instantly looking around in dismay at his bone dry surroundings. The only saving grace was that the SRLD Assessor called in absent that day because it would have been a bloodbath.

Dying of thirst, the Blacks swiftly got started pounding the ball into the dirt early and often, and always.  

The Reds were powered by a bag of crusty baguettes brought by their resident baker who notched his second consecutive 5 Dong Affair, and inspired Starf, Silky and Lothario to smack some sultry numbers of their own.

Dr. BD watched sullenly from a nearby encampment with his chastity belt chained tight.

The Reds were: Golf Shotz, Lothario, Country Club, Rookie Nate, Starf, Silky, Puppet Master
The Blacks were: The Game, Dark Web, Dom the Deal, Katfish, Big Wednesday and Noreaster 

Game 1:  R: 7, B: 1
Game 2:  B: 0, R: 7

Game 3:  R: 1, B: 0

$10 Dongs
: Golf Shotz 5, Starfish 2, Silky 2, Lothario 1
$5 Drops: Starf 1, Big Wedz 1, Silky 1, Golf Shotz 1, The Deal 1 

Donger Dollers raised: $145 (with $20 courtesy dongs donated by BK's Solo Shot)

HRs: Golf Shotz 10, Lothario 3, Starfish 3, Silky 2, Motorboat 1, Raw Dog 1, Katfish 1

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